大塚栄二写真事務所 代表、Abox Photo Academy 長野 代表
Abox Photo Academy 第0期生
鹿児島県川内市に生まれ、間もなく東京へ移住。大学卒業まで東京に住む。 精密機器メーカーへ就職と同時に長野県へ。
2016年 nico(パリフォトサテライト展示)
2016年 個展「ひーじゃーの島」@調布 Holo-Holo cafe
2016年 写真集「Presence」制作
2018年 チームチャンピオンズカップ2018 優勝、最優秀写真家賞受賞
2019年 個展「光で画く」 @代官山 space K
2021年 個展「落ち着ける場所」@ 須賀川 Gallery&cafe Tokuzo
2023年 個展「熾」@奈良井宿 徳利屋
2018年8月~10月 EXA-Photo写真WS「光で画く」第1期
2019年2月~4月 EXA-Photo写真WS「光で画く」第2期
2020年7月~12月 EXA-Photo写真WS「基礎講座」
2022年10月~現在 Abox Photo Academy 長野校
Otsuka Eiji
Representative of Otsuka Eiji Photo Office and Abox Photo Academy Nagano
I was born in Sendai City, Kagoshima Prefecture.When I was 2 years old, my parents moved to Tokyo,and I lived in Tokyo until graduated from the university.At the age of 22, I got a job at a precision equipment manufacturer and went to Nagano Prefecture at the same time. Since then I spend more than 30 years in Nagano.
I was engaged in camera, microscope, and endoscope manufacturing techniques. It was to think about how to manufacture the product.
At the same time as manufacturing cameras, the interest in photography itself had expanded, and I had been active as both a camera engineer and photographer for many years, teaching photography courses within and outside of the company while presenting my photographic works.
In 2022, upon I retiremented, I established Eiji Otsuka Photography Office.
Photo Master EX (Overall)
Major exhibitions and photography activities:
2016 nico (Paris Photo Satellite Exhibition)
2016 Solo exhibition “Hijanoshima” @Chofu Holo-Holo-cafe
2016 Photo book “Presence” production
2018 Team Champions Cup 2018 Winner, Best Photographer Award
2019 Solo exhibition “ Draw with light ” @Daikanyama space K
2021 Solo exhibition “Calm place” @Sukagawa Gallery&cafe Tokuzo
2023 Solo exhibition “Glowing ember” @Narai-jyuku Tokuriya
August to October 2018 EXA-Photo WS “Drawing with Light” Phase 1
February to April 2019 EXA-Photo WS “Drawing with Light” Phase 2
July to Decwmber 2020 EXA-Photp WS “Photo basics”
October 2022 to now Abox Photo Academy Nagano